Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

I took some time today to sneak away from the family, food, and fun to write a short Thanksgiving post for you: my fans! The last few months have been an amazing experience and one that I will always cherish. It has taken a lot to put myself out there and be as vulnerable with the world about my struggles, my triumphs, and my journey as a whole. You have all embraced my journey with me and have been a source of constant encouragement and love.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Coming into the Thanksgiving holiday, I asked Susan to write a post about all the things she is thankful for. I know it sounds a little sappy, but I have posted her response to my holiday challenge and I will be posting one tomorrow as well. Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow as well to see my thoughts on this amazing holiday. Be sure to post comments below about all of the things you are thankful for this holiday season and share the love with the readers of this site to gain encouragement as we all prepare for the holiday season ahead. Thank you all for all of your love and support on this site. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Suze's Muses - “Why are you doing this, anyway?” – a look at the psychological portion of pre-op testing

Greetings once again from the Musings of Suze!  Today I’m offering my proverbial 2 cents regarding a topic I see many folks concerned about…the psychological “exam” that’s a part of the approval process for WLS.  I didn’t include it in my post about the other portions of the testing process, because I don’t personally view the psychological test in the same ilk as all of the others. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mundane to Insane: Goal Setting for Extreme Results

You have just done something insane. That's a good start. You have had a weight loss surgery and your insides are scrambled. Maybe you haven't and have just come to the decision to take back your life or reach for something far greater than you could have ever imagined achieving. This post will guide you on your journey to greatness. If you want to see insane results you need to think extreme!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Suz's Muses - “Another test?? I didn’t study for this one either!!”

Greetings, dear readers- and thanks for checking out my first contribution to Jonathan’s blog!  My topic today isn’t necessarily for women only, but it’s something I see a lot of folks ask about on WLS forums…all those pesky TESTS we have to take before we get taken to the OR.  I’ll begin today (as probably with a number of topics) by saying that though we’re all on this same journey together, how we get there is a very individual experience- everyone’s surgeon is different as are insurance companies.  You may not have to have as extreme of a testing conglomeration as I did, but it’s my hope that if you’re required to have any of the tests done that I did, this post can provide some clarification as to what to really expect when you go.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Good Friend Suze!

Greetings, everyone!  My name is Susan.  I live in Maryland, I’m 44, and I had my RNY on October 23, 2014.  I’m very excited to be asked by Jonathan to be a guest writer on his inspirational blog! 

Like all of us, I've had my share of weight problems and the “diet yo-yo” for all of my adult life.  Fortunately I never really experienced the teasing and embarrassment so many overweight people faced- at least not in the traditional sense.  I’d always felt perfectly fine- healthy as a horse, though I ate like one at times.  My family was always completely accepting of me exactly how I was- I remember Mom telling me “God made you just the way you are”.  A nice sentiment, but I knew full well that General Mills, Hershey’s, Napa Valley and Barilla pasta made me just the way I was. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Words cannot describe what the last year of my life has been like, nor could I have fathomed just how drastically different my life would be. I knew things would be different, but nothing like this. I knew I would be healthy, but not this healthy. One year ago today at the exact time I am typing this, I was being wheeled back into an operating room for a surgery that would change my life forever.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Great Ohio River Swim - Finding Stregth in the Middle of the Ohio River

The calm before the storm. 

You can feel the anticipation. I feel my heart beating on the inside of my chest as if it is trying to claw its way out. The sun begins to peak over the tops of the trees in a brilliant splash of reds and oranges. It's as if the very tops of the trees are on fire. The hanging fog begins to recede from its home on the top of the river. The air smells of water. There is calm, there is quiet as I pull my goggles over my eyes and get ready to jump in.